Monday, February 23, 2009


Hey everyone! Just wanted to tell everyone that I am deleting my "myspace". There are many things that are going on in my life right now and this is just a huge distraction and waste of time for myself. As of right now, I am in a very confused and lost state. Satan is using every force tactic that he can think of and sadly to say more then ever its working. However, he will not win this battle. The people, circumstances, distractions, everything he is trying to use over me will not work. I am going to focus everything that I have on things that are more important for me right now! He will not over power me! I will not back down! Everything that I am and have is God's and his alone.
He is bringing confusion in ways that I have never experienced before. My schooling is one of them. I know that I am to switch my major this Fall. I have had peace about it, but all of the sudden I'm not sure...its so overwhelming. I have never been so stressed out about school ever, in fact its usually one of the things I enjoy most...however, I'm not used to the work load...its very different then what I have experienced in the past which I am ok with with, I just need to figure out a way to fit everything in my schedule. He is using my insecurities in full force and honestly its really getting on my nerves. I know who I am in Christ mentally, yet I don't believe it in my actions or heart...soooooo all of this time wasting I'm done with it! I win this battle.
So, this time that I am going to use, its time to focus on my relationship first of all with Christ. It's the most important thing to me and I am going to ensure that it stays this way. Relationships with my family and people I am always around, who I am in Christ, my insecurities, the confusion and chaos, my major, my ministry....everything that I am being overwhelmed with and put it into perspective!
I will keep my blog. I like to write and I feel that this is a good way to do so!!! I will update it whenever I have the time! So, please keep me in your prayers as I take this time to refocus and prioritize my life! Love you all!!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

a new inspiration!!!

a new blog is on the way....Facing any inspiration from the Bible study Esther from Beth Moore! So it was eye opening! God showed me something and it was amazing! Will post later this week!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The week I have ahead!

This week ahead is going to be so busy! I am so excited that I am finally back in the groove of my so called "normal" life...Whatever "normal" may be. For me, normal is school, work, church and time with family! Which I lolve! However, I am finding it harder this semester to juggle everything I have. On top of everything else, I am a team leader at my church(which I am very happy about) so I have to figure how to fit that in as well as all the ministry teams I am on...two of which are apart of my future! I have been wanting it for so long and God is finally bringing it all together! Boy, its sure has been a long wait and I have a lot of things that need to happen before it all happens so right now this is just the beginning which is so amazing! God works in that kind of way though! Its always a different path we follow when we are trusting in Him. Anyway, this next week my brother is going to stay with our Dad who lives in Kansas because of his job situation. He is leaving his wife and two kiddos and I get to go and stay with them this entire week which will be so much fun! Also, I have started a new Beth Moore Bible study called Esther which I already love! So just to give you an idea of my life I am going to show you this next week...
Sunday-church, prepare a study guide for my Lit. test(will take many hours), fold my clean laundry, go to my sis in laws house and hang/stay with her.
Monday-work at 6:30, drop Supi off @ 9AM, go to school and work on studying, class @ 10, go home, study for Lit test, @ 2pm meet with my school principle to set up my 30 hrs of field exp. for the next 9 wks, pick up Uday @ 3:30 and work until 6, go back to Rebekah's to study eat dinner and go to bed!
Tuesday-work @ 630-900, study for Lit. Test, class from 9-145, eat quick lunch, go to work from 245-6, go home to study for test, then go to Rebekah's to sleep!
Wednesday-work 630-9, study, class @ 10-11, go to assigned school for 3 hrs of field experience, work at 330-6, go to Bible study and home and spend the rest of the night studying and then go to Rebekah's to sleep!
Thursday-repeat same schedule as Tuesday-add studying for two straight hours, Lit. test @ 11, and class until 145, work from 245-6, then back to Rebekah's to eat dinner and hang out/sleep!
Friday-work 630-9, class @10-11, home until 230ish, work 245-6 then Im done with my CRZY week and hopefully we will get to scrapbook tonight...I need to catch up!!
Ok, it may not seem that bad to some of you, but on top of all of this, I have to schedule a team mtg, have the mtg, start on projects that wil be due soon and have many mtgs at church.... I love being in school and actually doing work, but man.....its tough! Although by the Grace of God I WILL make it through because Philipians 4:13 says "I can do ALL things thru Christ who strenghthens me!"

Friday, February 6, 2009

India....I sure do miss that place...

Well, it has been officially a month since I've been in India! + one day! The trip was truly amazing and I am so glad that I had the opportunity to visit a country that is so different than America. In India, the culture is so different. The people, the money, the transportation, school, time, comforts....nothing is the same. While I was there I saw so many people walking around looking for something they could not find. I realized that they had ANYTHING but Jesus in their lives. It really made me hurt for them and there was really nothing I could do. However, God spoke to me saying that it's at home too. All you have to do is look around and you will see it. The same thing many hurting and desperate people. I also had another time when my life was touched in a very special way. The Sunday prior to my leaving America, God gave a spoken word for me about my ministry. Basically saying that the walls of my ministry are going to come down. That I was going to be so full of love that it was going to be overflowing and more....I didn't know what that meant until I got to India. We went to the Hope Home where 32 children live with Beulah(their Mommy), David Sahyem(daddy), Smitha and Isaac(Beulah's daughter and son in law). These children really know what love is all about. They for one have been loved by God and two they have been accepted into the Hope family. From these children and Beulah, I learned what it's like to feel loved and how to love. I now have a love that I have never had before. It is now a love of deep concern and a love that I don't really understand. A more meaningful love that I can't explain or describe and its also overflowing in my heart and I don't know how to respond to it...I didn't realize that the walls of my ministry had come down until a few days later when I was journaling. Its so amazing how God works, he shows us something when we least expect it!
Well, these are only a few of the amazing things that happened while I was away! I plan to post more soon! Keep checking for updates!